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CDPHE Disaster Recovery Guide

Provides essential guidance for recovering from natural disasters, addressing issues like shelter, water, and sanitation. Includes detailed instructions for both the public and local public health agencies to ensure effective response and recovery efforts during emergencies.

Disaster Behavioral Health

Provides resources and support for promoting, maintaining, and restoring psychosocial well-being during and after disasters. This includes training programs, coordination with health and emergency partners, and strategies for integrating behavioral health into disaster response plans.

Evacuation Plan Development Toolkit

Provides tools and guidance to develop evacuation plans for residents, staff, and equipment. It includes worksheets, decision trees, and detailed instructions to ensure facilities can efficiently and safely evacuate in emergencies, addressing changes in resident conditions and maintaining updated evacuation plans.

Shelter-in-Place Functional Annex Development Toolkit

Helps develop a shelter-in-place plan as an addition to a facility's basic emergency plan. It provides specific instructions and operational concepts to shelter staff and residents during disasters, ensuring safety and preparedness.

Hazard Analysis Toolkit

Provides a toolkit for conducting quick and accurate hazard analyses. It assists facilities in developing emergency operations plans and offers orientation for staff on emergency planning. The toolkit includes self-calculating worksheets, readiness rating worksheets, and risk assessment planning matrices to streamline the process and ensure thorough hazard identification and preparedness.

CO Health Emergency Line for the Public

Offers a toll-free helpline providing accurate information on public health emergencies in Colorado. It helps the public with emergency preparedness, home care advice, and answers to health-related questions, staffed by trained specialists.

Basic Plan Toolkit

Helps develop a comprehensive basic emergency plan for facilities. It provides step-by-step guidance, templates, and resources to create an effective emergency operations plan, ensuring preparedness for various types of emergencies. This toolkit assists in planning, response, recovery, and mitigation activities, tailored to meet the needs of healthcare facilities.

Service Area Contacts

Provides contact information for the Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response (OEPR) Field Managers. Each manager is responsible for a specific service area within Colorado, offering emergency management technical assistance to local agencies. The page includes contact details for field staff assigned to different regions, ensuring timely support and coordination during emergencies.

CO Crisis Education and Response Network

Provides disaster behavioral health support, helping individuals and communities manage the emotional and psychological impacts of disasters. It offers training in psychological first aid, incident command, and self-care. The network supports local agencies and the public with resources and guidance for effective emergency response and recovery.

Response Partners

View the response partners of the State of Colorado, including health care coalitions, the Governor's Expert Emergency Epidemic Response Committee, and the Emergency Preparedness and Response Public Health and Medical Advisory Committee. The page also lists cooperative agreements and provides various public health and safety resources.

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